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What an Extended Congregate Care (ECC) License Can Do For Your Aging Process

December 20, 2024

Nurse Care Large (1)A Life Plan Community is for planners. It’s a community for people who want to enjoy the country club lifestyle they are currently leading, while having the added comfort and confidence of knowing that healthcare is available, should they ever need it. When choosing a Life Plan Community, it’s helpful to know all the licenses that each organization holds so that you attain the best care possible.

Here at our Moorings Park Communities, we proudly hold an Extended Congregate Care (ECC) license, allowing our nurses and caregivers to provide a greater level of care to residents in residential settings.

What is an Extended Congregate Care (ECC) License? 

According to Florida’s Compendium of Residential Care and Assisted Living Regulations and Policy, an Extended Congregate Care license is issued for “residents to age in place in a residential environment despite mental or physical limitations that might otherwise disqualify them from residency under a standard or [Limited Nursing Services] license. This definition creates a higher level of care in assisted living.”

Tom Mann, a Moorings Park Communities’ Vice President and senior living expert notes, “We offer independent living, assisted living, memory care, and skilled nursing. With this specialty license, our members can have peace of mind knowing that we are equipped and qualified to take care of medical issues in a residential assisted living setting, that in the old days you would have had to go into nursing care for. Why? Because despite having the best nursing care in the state, we know that no one wants to live in nursing care.”

An ECC license ensures greater care than a standard license and limited nursing services. Additionally, residents have comfort knowing that a nursing home is not in their future. 

What Kind of Care is Available Through an ECC License? 

An ECC license addresses two critical components: nursing and care.

First, let’s talk nursing. Under a standard nursing license, nurses are typically able to provide a certain level of care within assisted living, which is typically limited to the basics, such as taking vitals. However, with an ECC license, our nurses can do more for residents and care for them a longer period of time. As mentioned, residents are able to “age in place” and not need to move from their assisted living suite, making the process simple. 

In the care component of an ECC license, it allows our professionals to provide total health. “Facilities with an ECC license can provide more extensive [activities of daily living] assistance and additional nursing services if required by the resident’s service plan: total help with bathing, dressing, grooming and toileting; nursing assessments conducted more frequently than monthly; measurement and recording of basic vital functions and weight; dietary management, including provision of special diets, monitoring nutrition, and observing the resident’s food and fluid intake and output; assistance with self- administered medications; or the administration of medications and treatments pursuant to a health care provider’s order.”

Under standard circumstances where an individual needs this assistance of total health, they would need to move to skilled nursing, but the ECC license allows the residents to get such care within their assisted living facility. Again, allowing the person to age in place.

It is important to note that assisted living under an ECC license differs from skilled nursing, which is complete total care outside of assisted living. 

The main takeaway? Moorings Park Communities has everything you need to age in place, in a space that is comfortable and qualified. To learn more about our incredible healthcare offered at our three campuses, visit

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