One thing that is wonderful about retirement is that you have time to explore and learn things you never had time to do. When you put time into learning something new, you keep your mind active. Not to mention, it can lead to exciting conversations and interactions with others. And, you may also discover that you could be an asset to others...
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With stunning views, the most eye-catching luxurious residences and endless amenities that enrich your life on the daily, it’s hard to think of how Moorings Park Grande Lake can become any better. How about the inclusion of HUR strength training and wellness equipment in the fitness center? With the focus of supporting an active aging...
At any age, it can be a challenge to get the vitamins and nutrients we need solely through diet. Though, as we age, it’s even more important to make sure we’re getting the fuel that our bodies need to function at their best. To avoid any vitamin or nutrient deficiencies and prevent certain health issues and diseases, you may want to consider...
Foam rolling boasts many health and fitness benefits, especially when feeling sore or stiff after a workout. A foam roller is a simple tool that can alleviate these symptoms and promote better health and mobility. Another perk? It can take as little as a few minutes a day to reap the benefits.Related Blog: Three Exercises to Help Reverse Bad...
Have you been experiencing swelling in your arms or legs and are unsure why? It may be a condition called lymphedema. While symptoms may be quite uncomfortable, therapy services may help to alleviate the discomfort.Related Blog: Keeping Your Joints Healthy Will Help You Enjoy Life
The beauty of living in Southwest Florida, besides the literal beauty of the location? The fact that the sunny, warm weather permits swimming all year round. Swimming is not only fun and offers a way to cool off, but can assist our bodies with various exercises, especially while in recovery.Related Blog: Stay Active in Naples, FL With...
Everyone is familiar with the grace and beauty of ballet. Though, you don’t have to be a pro to benefit from the slow movements this art form boasts. Barre fitness classes have been on the rise due to the integration of dance and the control each movement requires, offering a new workout regime for those who like to keep their fitness...
Often times, in long-term care centers, opportunities for creative self-expression among individuals with memory issues tend to fall short. Think about how important self-expression is in terms of maintaining identity, emotions and happiness. Without a creative outlet, life can lack color.
Luckily, there is a program that fills that gap.
At some point or another, we all fall victim to the "more is better" mentality, even when it comes to exercise. For those of us who exercise regularly, learning how to pull back can be a useful skill.
Dizziness, vertigo, and balance issues are ones that are hard to ignore. They can disrupt your everyday life, from daily activities to your mood. Though, if you’re experiencing these issues, you’re not alone.According to The Hearing and Balance Clinic, 90 million Americans go to health care providers because of dizziness, balance problems...