Saving time means different things to different people. At Moorings Park Grande Lake, saving time means added convenience for you. In everyday life, common conveniences are found in drive-through lanes at your neighborhood coffee shop, drug store or bank. Time-saving conveniences in your life may include the housekeepers who clean your home, landscaping companies that tend to your lawn and accountants who do your taxes.
At Moorings Park Grande Lake, conveniences can be found around every corner. From on-site concierge and maintenance-free lifestyle to a centrally located lakefront clubhouse and an array of casual and fine dining options, our retirement community is full of conveniences.
Simplifying your life can relate to conveniences like we discussed above, but it can also mean simplifying through the economy that stems from having everything you need under one roof.
Retirement living should simplify your life and at Moorings Park Grande Lake, it does just that. Years spent raising a family or growing your business give way to a new chapter of your life. A time where you are more carefree and have the flexibility to do what you want, when you want. Our top-rated Naples retirement community offers an unending list of ways to celebrate your new carefree life. Weekly housekeeping services, on-site concierge healthcare program, and a connected, walkable community are just a few of the many examples of what life will be like at Moorings Park Grande Lake.
In this case, reducing costs is not just a monetary consideration. It relates to things that bring value to your life, whether it is monetary value or the value of living a better life.
There is tremendous value in life in a retirement community, or life plan community as they are now known. Gone are the expenses of landscaping bills, HOA fees, pool service and the cost of your housekeeper. At Moorings Park Grande Lake, your all-inclusive fee covers all of that and more, including internet, cable, phone and electricity. It also includes chef-prepared meals in a variety of new, innovative casual and formal dining venues and most importantly, immediate access to higher levels of care at no additional fee should the need arise.
These are just a few of the many functional needs you can expect to be met every day at a Moorings Park Life Plan community.