5 Reasons to Consider Memory Care for a Loved One

October 09, 2023


Age has a way of catching up with us and the people we love. It’s estimated that 6.7 million people aged 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s and about 300,000 people experience the early-onset form of the disease. As our loved ones begin to age and show signs of mental decline, it’s important to consider their quality of life and how to best help them. If you notice a shift in a loved one’s memory, whether caused by dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or mild cognitive impairment, there are benefits to considering a memory care residence.

1. A Safe Environment 

The purpose of a memory care residence is to care for those who are experiencing mental decline. It’s very common for those affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia to become easily confused or agitated. If unchecked, they may end up wandering away from home, driving to places they don’t belong, or involved in a dangerous situation.

Memory Care residences provide around-the-clock care to ensure that your loved one’s safety and security is being monitored. 

2. Consistent, High-Quality Medical Care 

Simple lapses of memory, such as forgetting to take a medication, can be warning signs of Alzheimer’s or dementia. Memory Care residences oversee medication management and help your loved ones stay on top of other daily medical needs through in-home care and on-site doctors.

By having 24/7 care to ensure that they are making good decisions for their health, your loved ones are able to live healthier lives.   

3. Improved Socialization 

Living with Alzheimer’s and dementia can lead to feelings of isolation. Memory Care residences can help combat this through scheduled group activities, dining, and so much more.

Activities and socialization specifically curated for those with a memory impairment ensure that individuals live each day to the fullest, regardless of the changes they’re experiencing that accompany a memory loss diagnosis. 

4. A Better Quality of Life  

Remembering to perform activities of daily living (ADL), such as eating, getting dressed and bathing, may become increasingly difficult for someone living with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Dedicated, trained staff members in memory care residences will ensure that your loved one’s health and hygiene are maintained to improve their quality of life. 

5. A Focus on Quality Time

Caregiver burnout is extremely common, because taking care of someone whose memory is deteriorating can be stressful and sometimes exhausting. If you are experiencing this, the solution may be a Memory Care residence. This transition can help reduce stress between both you and your loved one and strengthen your relationship. You can feel peace of mind knowing that you made the best decision for your loved one, which will allow you to focus more on spending quality time with them, while dedicated and trained professionals focus on their healthcare. 

When these needs arise, individuals from the greater Naples area are discovering Oakstone’s Memory Care residences at Moorings Park Grey Oaks, which are offered on a month-to-month basis at a daily rate with no entrance fees. Life at Oakstone offers fulfilling, compassionate services that are dedicated to improving your loved one’s quality of life, as well as their physical, intellectual, and spiritual wellness.

For additional information about Oakstone’s Memory Care residences, call (239) 919-1732, visit our website, or schedule a private tour.

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