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Moorings Park Home Health Agency Named as Prestigious 2013 HHCAHPS Honors Recipient

November 05, 2013

MPhomeHealthMoorings Park Home Health Agency has been named a 2013 HHCAHPS Honors recipient, a prestigious award recognizing those home health agencies that provide the best patient experience.

Established by Deyta, this prestigious annual honor recognizes the top 20 percent of agencies that continuously provide the highest level of satisfaction through their care as measured from the patient’s point of view. HHCAHPS Honors acknowledges the highest performing agencies ranked by analyzing satisfaction measures covering both performance and improvement of care over a twelve-month period.

Deyta used the HHCAHPS survey results from over 1,200 eligible home health agencies contained in its HHCAHPS database with an evaluation period of April 2012 to March 2013. Two domains of performance were used in the calculations covering the nineteen questions that comprise the five publicly reported HHCAHPS measures found on Home Health Compare. Qualifications for eligibility included those HHAs that were compliant and partnered with Deyta for the evaluation period.

“We are excited to honor these outstanding home health agencies,” said J. Kevin Porter, President and CEO. “Their tireless work has made a real difference in the lives of their patients, and we look forward to acknowledging their excellence.”

"Our focus at Moorings Park is to ensure our residents and patients are provided the highest quality experience possible," said Moorings Park Chief Executive Officer Dan Lavender. "It is gratifying to have Moorings Park Home Health Agency named a 2013 HHCAHPS Honors recipient. Receiving this level of recognition is a testament to the exceptional efforts of our staff and a testament to their commitment to our residents and patients."

About Moorings Park Home Health Agency

Moorings Park Home Health Agency is an affiliated organization of Moorings Park, the only Continuing Care Retirement Community located in the City of Naples. As one of the largest agencies in the area, Moorings Park Home Health began providing private duty services to the community in 1988 and achieved Medicare Certification in 2004. This CHAP (Community Health Accreditation Program) accredited agency provides off-campus home health services to all of Collier County and Southern Lee County. For more information, please call 239-643-9128 for Medicare or 239-643-9121 for Private Duty or visit

About Deyta, LLC

Partnering with thousands of hospice, home health, and healthcare organizations, Deyta simplifies data driven management, enabling our clients to overcome the mountains of data that cloud good judgment. With Deyta’s High Definition Success Guidance solutions and services, healthcare leaders make proactive decisions that strengthen financial performance, improve operational efficiency, assure CMS compliance, and provide better patient care.

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