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Moorings Park Earned Certification from City of Naples as a Green Business

February 17, 2012

MPGL-final-view-headerMoorings Park has recently earned certification from the City of Naples as a Green Business. They are one of twenty-five inaugural businesses to achieve recognition through the City’s grant funded Green Business Certification program.

Green Highlights:

  • Hands free faucets, waterless urinals, rain sensors and operational policies to only wash full loads of dishes or to laundry, all combine to minimize water use.
  • The laundry facility employs a solar thermal hot water heating system.
  • Lighting throughout common areas is high efficiency (LED or compact fluorescents) and independent residents are encouraged to retrofit lighting in their own homes.
  • Recycled rubber was used as an environmentally friendly surface for new walking paths.
  • Residents use food waste for compost in the on?site fly organic and butterfly gardens.
  • New construction underway within the community adheres to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) standards.

A continuing-care retirement community located on Goodlette Road, Moorings Park has been incorporating sustainability endeavors since 2009.

The breadth and variety of environmental initiatives in place was apparent to Naples Green Business program staffer, local architect David Corban on the site?visit; “Just got back from a meeting at Moorings Park, and let’s just say that they are dark green!” remarked David. Moorings Park CEO, Dan Lavender, provided further insight into the evolution of their efforts… “It’s not just that they make financial sense but that’s what our residents wanted.”

The City’s Green Business Certification Program, implemented by local firm Twentyfifty, LLC, for the City’s Natural Resources Department, helps local businesses optimize environmentally friendly operations. Funded by a grant from the U.S Department of Energy, the pilot phase in early 2012 has recognized sustainable actions throughout the Naples business sector.

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