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5 Ways Music Can Improve Your Mood

March 07, 2022

5 Ways Music Can Improve Your Mood_Blog_

Music has been an integral part of human society for centuries, from the drumbeats used by our ancient ancestors to the unlimited streaming services we enjoy today.  Over the years, many researchers have studied the possible positive effects of music on the human body.

Related Blog: What is Music Therapy and How Can it Help Seniors? What You Need to Know

According to an article published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, many people listen to music to improve their mood – and the study showed that listening to upbeat and positive music can help increase some people’s moods in as little as  two weeks. This is very important because experts link happiness to better physical health, more satisfying relationships, and even a higher level of income. 

Here are the top five ways music can boost your mood. 

1. Elevate Mood

Studies on music and mood show that dancing while listening to your favorite music helps boost your mood and alleviate sadness. When you feel your mood dipping, take some time to create a playlist of upbeat songs that will make you feel better. Just five minutes of listening to your favorite tunes will encourage your body to release endorphins, the chemicals that promote happiness and help you get out of a rut.

2. A Trip Down Memory Lane

We’ve all had that moment when a song comes on the radio and instantly transports us back to another time and place. When music triggers nostalgic memories, it can reignite some of the best memories of your life. Experts recommend creating playlists of some of your favorite music from over the years to get you back to your happy place.

3. Promote RESTful Sleep

Listening to meditative music, such as soft natural sounds, and easy listening will promote a good night's sleep. You can choose any tune with a low tempo to soothe your nervous system. Calm music slows down your breath and lowers your heart rate to induce quality sleep that comes sooner and lasts longer.

4. Energize and Boost Motivation

Upbeat music can get you up and moving, which boosts your endorphins, accelerates your energy level, and leads to increased productivity.  Listening to fast-paced music also increases your heart rate and gets your blood pumping.  Before you know it, you’ll be ready to tackle anything your day may bring.

5. Processing Emotions

Sometimes, even listening to melancholy music has its benefits, allowing  you to process a tough time, such as losing a loved one or suffering through a break-up.  By connecting to music and lyrics you find meaningful, you can work through your feelings and begin to feel more hopeful about the future. 

At Moorings Park Communities, we offer a serene environment with many luxurious residences in Southwest Florida.  When you live in this premier retirement community, you’ll have opportunities to join our choir, connect with our music therapist, and enjoy our live music and concert events. Contact us today for more information.

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